Trademark Filing

To obtain statutory protection on their trademark one should file an application for registration of their trademark in jurisdictions where they might have economic interests. Before filling the application for registration, it helps to determine one or more classes under which the application would be filed and the description of goods and/or services rendered.

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Trademark Filing In India

For a trademark to be registrable in India, it must be capable of being represented graphically and distinguishing the goods and/or services of one person/entity from those of others. Our trademark experts can help you in filing your trademarks before the Trade Marks Registry.

Trademark Filing In Europe

For a trademark to be registrable in Europe, it must be capable of being represented graphically and distinguishing the goods and/or services of one person/entity from those of others. Our trademark experts can help you in filing your trademarks before the Trade Marks Registry.

Trademark Filing In China

For a trademark to be registrable in China, it must be capable of being represented graphically and distinguishing the goods and/or services of one person/entity from those of others. Our trademark experts can help you in filing your trademarks before the Trade Marks Registry.

International Trademark Filing

Business nowadays, need not be confined to National Boundaries. A successful entrepreneur who aims higher and wants to grow, can look forward for expansion of business at International levels. As India has become a signatory of the Madrid International Agreement for facilitating filing of Trade/Service marks internationally, the ‘Single Window’ application filing for Trademarks has been made easier. We would be happy to facilitate our esteemed clients who would like to seek us for filing of their trade/service marks internationally through the MADRID ARRANGEMENT/ PROTOCOL

Trademark Filing In USA

For a trademark to be registrable in the USA, it must be capable of being represented graphically and distinguishing the goods and/or services of one person/entity from those of others. Our trademark experts can help you in filing your trademarks before the Trade Marks Registry.

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